work from home
Make Money With Drop Shipping & Salehoo Scam.
How to make money with drop shipping selling products online.
Drop shipping is another exciting and enticing way of working at home - and laughing all the way to the bank. While this is a lucrative proposition, you need to watch your step and not fall for the lure of the scores of scams which have mushroomed all over the internet.
So what exactly is drop shipping?
Well, in a nutshell, this is what drop shipping entails
1. You sell wholesale products on your website, or a specialized website like eBay
2. The company which owns the product ships it to the customer
3. You don’t have to package, store, ship, or deal with the product at all !
4. The difference between the wholesale price and the customer price sits happily in your PayPal account.
5. You get rich quick for doing nothing!
Well, almost nothing...Of course, you have to be able to know which products to sell, keep track of the goods which offer a higher profit percentage, develop a nose for best sellers...
You can learn all this and more, through the different drop shipping tutorial programs...But wait! Not all of them are to be trusted! While some programs are brilliant, others just get rich on your money and offer you nothing in return. And this where ScamReview steps in...
We’ve experimented with quite a few drop shipping programs and have managed to separate the wheat from the chaff – the sure winners from the sour scammers...
Do read our research, starting with Salehoo Scam Review and you’ll soon be thanking us!
Programs I Recommend:

My Salehoo Scam Review
Salehoo claims to make “global sourcing waaaay easier” and it even offers a free trial. ScamReview decided to go the whole hog, buy the package, and check if Salehoo lives up to its word...
SaleHoo Pros?
Tried And Tested
Often, when you source for wholesale products, you’ll come across plenty of hiccups. Salehoo’s program is designed to ease the wrinkles and help you make money online with ease. Salehoo personally research and test each of the wholesale sources. This solves many common frustrations:
No more searching endlessly for suppliers
No more being wary of their quality and doubtful about their credibility
No more contacting wholesalers who are not ready to do business with you.
And no more worrying about your profit percentages!
NO monthly fees. You're a member for life which includes all future updates.
Practical Program
Salehoo’s program offers you first hand information and data, which can actually be put into practical use. It’s not a whole load of impressive sounding impractical jargon, but actual facts and figures which will help you reap in the dollars.
Personal Touch
Salehoo has a killer chat program, with which you can interact with their experts, live! You can ask niggling questions, get valuable tips, discuss wholesaling options, and clear all your doubts and confusions...
Impressive database
The exhaustive database and resources of Salehoo is impressive to say the least. You can find the best wholesalers, compare and contrast prices, avail of profitable discounts, bag the best deals, and get top quality products by just referencing Salehoo’s detailed listings.
Complete Purchasing Solution
Our Salehoo scam review confirms that this program is the complete answer for all your sourcing needs. It covers in detail all aspects of sourcing, and ensures you make a tidy sum.
Cons of Salehoo?
Is Salehoo scam? not at all. There’s honestly nothing to say against Salehoo. It’s a complete guide to dropshipping & wholesaler profits.
SaleHoo Verdict:
If you're at all interested in learning, not only where to find cheap quality products from liquidators, wholesalers, and drop shippers but also sell them for a PROFIT, Salehoo is your answer.
Not only does it make global sourcing easier, it also makes it quicker, and is a fantastic value buy for what you get.
To find out more about Salehoo click here.

My WorldWideBrands Review
The WorldWide Brands offer a whole bouquet of internet marketing packages. And their drop shipping package – The Drop Ship Source Directory, is one of their best. Here’s what ScamReview found out:
Pros of WorldWideBrands?
Massive Source Database
The list of drop shipping sources that WorldWide Brands offers you is endless... Well, almost! No other product can come close to, let alone match, the sheer number of genuine drop shipping sources of this directory.
Impressive Customer Support
In these days of impersonal business, and anonymous online transactions, the courteous customer support of the WorldWide Brands will pleasantly surprise you. Not only do they answer your e-mails in two hours (it must be some kind of record!), they also have a very helpful, and accessible phone support!
Any Cons?
It's a fantastic product. The best there is, period. BUT, it's expensive compared to its closest competitor Salehoo.
I wouldn't suggest newbies start here simply because of the cost.
Final Verdict:
Definitely recommended. Their mammoth resource list, and their incredibly attentive customer support, takes WorldWide Brands miles ahead of its competitors. And it’ll help you do so too...
Visit WorldWideBrands for a free presentation.
My Auction Genius Course Review
For months, we at ScamReview, were on the hunt of a complete eBay power-selling program, which taught both, the essentials and the advanced concepts. Our search took us through scores of online marketing programs, and as we sifted through the hundreds of horrendous hard-sells, crazed ad-copy, and a whole pile of sheer nonsense, our hope of finding that elusive value-add program grew dimmer and dimmer...
And then we came across the Auction Genius Course.
Genuine Content
Sydney Johnston’s Auction Genius Course if filled with valuable information and relevant data. Unlike the oh-so-many eBay power selling programs, which are full up with page fillers and sales pitches, the Auction Genius Course is the real deal. No ad copies. No hard sells. Just the genuine stuff - to help you learn the ropes and make a fortune.
The program is offered in many flavours. If you opt for one of the premium packages, Auction Genius Course gifts you with a whole variety of goodies. And these bonuses are not the tiresome commonplace add-ons that programs usually throw in. The Auction Genius presents you with genuinely useful bonus packages, like the incredible effective Yahoo Store Builder (which otherwise would cost you a cool $150!).
Impressive Associations
The Auction Genius is associated with quite a few internet marketing gurus, and that certainly adds a stamp to its credibility. 'Worldwide Brands’ Chris Malta and Stompernet genius Brad Fallon, are just a couple of the high profile names. They don't just speak highly of this package, they have also personally associated themselves with the Auction Genius Course, as they are totally convinced about its effectiveness.
In-depth Coverage
Sydney Johnston covers in-depth the essential basics and the advanced tricks of eBay power-selling. He discusses in detail, and addresses the bottle-necks and barriers which stop you from cashing it in big. Critical questions like...
“What should I sell?”
“How should I pitch the products?”
“How do I convince the customer to buy from me, and not my competitors?”
“How do I find wholesalers?”
“How do I find the best prices?”
“How can I make higher profits?”
Handy Tools
...are answered, and you’ll surely benefit from them.
The Auction Genius Course comprises of a collection of helpful tools and valuable reference sources. Using them can completely revamp the way you conduct your work at home business, and can soon make you a star eBay seller...
We at ScamReview are floored by this package. You might initially think that its price of $397 is on the higher side, but take it from us - it’s worth every dollar and more. And don’t forget, the Auction Genius Course comes with those lovely bonus packages!
The Auction Genius Course is a real jewel amongst the dozens of fakes and scams. ScamReview is completely impressed by what it offers and whole-heartedly recommends it to you. Invest in the Auction Genius Program, and you’ll soon reap rich dividends...
To find out more about auction genius course click here.

My WhatDoISell Review
“Have you checked out WhatDoISell ?” “Lisa Suttora’s WhatDoISell, have you enrolled yet?” “WhatDoISell is an absolute ‘must-do’!”, and a whole bunch of other similar remarks and question were being thrown all over eBay. And the people who were rhapsodizing about the wonders of WhatDoISell were not rookies, but eBay marketing buggies!
Well, this made us sit up and take notice. It was definitely time for another ScamReview investigation...
Top priority Topic
The topic of the program “What do I sell?” is bang on target. Its intense focus on one of the most elementary, and yet critical, questions of internet marketing, is to be admired. Not only does Lisa Suttora ask this million dollar question, but she also answers it in way that’ll help you make a million dollars...
Program Layout
The program is not your run-of-the-mill buy once package. It is in the form of an ongoing membership. This ensures that you constantly interact with the program, get the latest updates, and incessantly increase your profits...
Reasonable Price Structure
‘WhatDoISell’ is priced at a completed justified rate of $19.97 per month. And you can even avail of a lower price, by opting for the 3 month package!
Articles Articles Articles!
This productive program offers you access to its mammoth resource of effective articles, practical videos, useful reference links, Weimar, discussion forums, and the very valuable personal blog of Lisa Suttora. You’ll quite literally be floored with material teaching you how to make money online...
‘Product Research And Product Sourcing’
‘WhatDoISell has a very interesting section in their program, called as Product Research and Product Sourcing. This has a complete listing of the latest products, the market trends, the hot sellers, the soon-to-be hot sellers, and a whole load of other goodies...
Supplier Hub
This is WhatDoISell’s directory of drop shippers and wholesalers. While it certainly isn’t as humongous as the one with auction genius course, it definitely is a respectable sized listing. And they add value by giving you an unbiased review of the top drop shipping avenues.
Law And Logistics
All your legal queries, licensing doubts, tax questions, contract confusions, and whole plethora of ‘what-ifs’, ‘how’, ‘whys’, and ‘wheres’ are all addressed and answered convincingly by the WhatDoISell program.
Lisa Suttora is an eBay Certified Service Provider. She is also the Contributing Editor for the well known ‘Entrepreneur Magazine’. So you can be sure that this program has been created by someone who knows her stuff – and has struck gold using it!
Beyond eBay
While the focus of ‘WhatDoISell’ program may largely seem on eBay, it certainly isn’t what it is all about. There are plenty of valuable gems and timely tips which you can pick up, even if you’re not into eBay marketing. One of its biggest value adds is the fact that WhatDoISell is always on track with the current pulse of the subscribing to it, you’ll constantly be in the know of the latest trends, and can successfully cash in on it.
x Reference, not a Tutorial
The one thing that the WhatDoISell program doesn’t offer you, is a tutorial. If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide, which will hold your hand and gently lead you into profits, then WhatDoISell is not the answer. It is more of a complete resource and reference database, than a teaching program.
Definitely a winner. The WhatDoISell program has something to offer for both, newbies, and weathered online marketers. Its innovative program pattern and its nominal pricing, make it one of the best work at home packages in the market. Don’t miss this one, or you’ll live to regret it!
To find out more about Whatdoisell click here.
Programs I DO NOT Recommend:
Is Doba a Scam? Read my Doba Review:
DOBA is another of those dime-a-dozen drop shipping programs. Just that this one costs more than a dime, and quite a few pretty dollars!
We rarely do this, but ScamReview has nothing positive to say about DOBA...except maybe that they offer a free trail...
DOBA needs to be avoided at all costs. With DOBA you can forget about making a profit, you’ll barely be able to cover your costs.
Do yourself a favour, and give DOBA a miss
To find out more anyway click here.